DRM Group Ltd is committed to fulfilling both the moral responsibilities and
the legal obligations arising out of common and statute law in respect of the
health, safety and welfare at work of it's employees and Sub Contractors.
The Company also accepts its obligation to ensure the health and safety of others,
including the employees, Sub Contractors and customers of clients, contractors (within the premises) and other Group companies, as well as members of the public and any other persons who may be affected by the conduct of the Company's business activities.
It is the policy of the Company to meet it's moral and statutory responsibilities in this regard by ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable, that employees are able to carry out their work without risks to their safety or health, and that clients and their customers, contractors (within the premises), agents, franchisees and other members of the public do not face unacceptable risks to their safety or health arising out of the conduct of Company Business.
Overall responsibility for safety and health matters rests with the Board of Directors of DRM Group Ltd, who will ensure that effective arrangements and adequate resources are provided for the implementation of the terms of this policy within the context, direction and policies operating throughout DRM Group Ltd.